Thursday, October 31, 2019


INCREASING AIRLINE SALES THE CASE OF VIRGIN ATLANTIC - Assignment Example Fundamentally, the report suggests that the major challenges in increasing company sales come from the internal structures and business strategies adopted by the company. The report suggests a number of possible options towards increasing sales for the company, including merchandising, partnerships among others. The report finally concludes by offering suggestions in the recommendations section, on ensuring sustained profitability through increased sales. Table of contents 1.Introduction 4 2.Methodology 4 3.Background to airline industry 4 4.Background to Virgin Atlantic 5 5.Strategic market audit findings – increasing airline sales 6 5.1.Customer choices 6 5.2.Competition 6 5.3.Code share agreements 7 5.4.Frequent-flyer program 7 5.5.Distribution channels 8 6.Strategic options 8 6.1.Partnerships 9 6.2.Merchandising 10 6.3.Consumer research 11 6.4.Competitive mapping 12 7.Recommendations 13 8.Conclusion 14 9.Bibliography 14 10.Appendices 17 11.Annotated bibliography 18 11.1.Pr imary sources 18 11.2.Secondary sources 19 1. Introduction This report will focus on the airline industry with specific focus on ways of increasing sales for the Virgin Atlantic airline. ... 3. Background to airline industry The airline industry has continuously been transformed since the inception of aircrafts. Airlines have undertaken different income generating methods through including cargo and mail among the items transported. Traditionally airlines offered passenger travel to individuals moving between different locations. Considered a luxury for many individuals, the increasing number of airlines has resulted in airline transport becoming recognised and increasingly utilised. The airlines have further provided different products for their clients aimed at maximising the number of passengers transported. Global ranking for airlines continues to be based on number of passengers transported within passenger airlines. Increased competition within the airline industry continues to present surmountable challenges to various carriers within the industry. Different carrier routes continue to be developed as well as different products aimed at enhancing sales. Within the airline industry, many carriers have continuously focused on enhancing customer satisfaction and flying experience. Passenger carriers have also introduced other services like cargo and mail to increase revenue and diversify business opportunities. Many carriers have taken diversification further through acquisition of cargo planes. While some companies like DHL have specialised in cargo transportation, passenger carriers continue to invest in cargo as they diversify their business opportunities for sustainability 4. Background to Virgin Atlantic Virgin Atlantic is trademark of the Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited, registered in Britain as an airline based at the Gatwick airport in West

Monday, October 28, 2019

Era of social and cultural rebellion Essay Example for Free

Era of social and cultural rebellion Essay The disintegration of American values was reflected in manners and morals that shook American society to the depths. (Leuchtenburg) The 1920s was an era in which the Americans showed their independence through actions; learning not to live the same ways that those preceded them had. The 20s was a cultural and socialistic rebellious attitude, decomposing past American ethics and beliefs. The most obvious rebellion is shown by the feminine movements during this time. The 1920s led to a new role for American women, in which females desperately tried to rid themselves of Victorian roles they had played in the past. In an effort to become modern and masculine, the flapper led to newly recognized rights for females in the male fields. The flappers showed their rebellion by wearing short skirts that in previous years would have been entirely inappropriate dress for women. Rebellion was also shown by the increased number of females working in public offices, obtaining jobs, attending colleges, and having leading roles in professional careers (events that were practically unheard-of fifty years earlier.) Women professionals increased 50 percent, while married working women increased 30 percent. With the suffrage movement in 1920, women started out the 20s with a passion for independence and political and social rights. Women lived by themselves, proving absolute independence from men. They, who had once been thought of as mens property solely to perform the acts of cleaning and cooking, were revolting against their title of exclusive possession. Once the rebellion against stay-at-home wives had started, women who still fulfilled that role felt compelled to apologize that they were not out working alongside men in the job world. (Leuchtenburg) Marriage was also a way to rebel; women who were unhappy in marriages felt that they had the right to divorce their husbands; this act more then doubled between the years of 1914 and 1929. Divorce, once thought to be completely immoral, was becoming quite common. All these factors show that the female race was using the 1920s to revolt against issues they had previously disagreed with, but never had the courage to address. The 1920s brought a breakdown in ethics. Couples went further in publicly showing their affection for each other. Sex was a common discussion topic,  not only for women but young girls. Suggestive topics were broadcasted all over the radios, movies, and newspapers. Parties were no longer chaperoned, and parents no longer had knowledge about their daughters actions. The fact that individuals during this time were so free with their sexual favors proves the fact that people during this time wanted to show their capability at making decisions for themselves. (Leuchtenburg) One may argue that the 1920s was not an era of social and cultural rebellion, and bring up the opinion that the dresses the flappers wore were efforts to save money. (Shannon) This is possible, but in order to feel completely at ease at wearing what would have been considered (only a decade earlier) an outrageous outfit, the women would have had to rebel. One might also say that the reason why there were increased numbers of women attending college was not the fact that they were rebelling to prove their equality with men, but rather because it was the first time they could ever afford such an education. This is untrue; debt was so high in the 20s that most families would have been unable to afford a college education. During the 1920s, the economy grew into a consumer economy, one that revolved around the ability of the citizens to consume products. In order to make it easy for the people to do this, credit was developed. With the innovation of credit, many people became in debt, and consumer debt rose a total of 250 percent. Personal debt rose 2.5 times faster then personal income, and people just didnt have money to spend it on an education solely for the reason of becoming educated. However, in order to show their equality, women would have been more willing to put a college education on credit. In conclusion, the Roaring Twenties was a time of serious cultural and social rebellion. People wanted to live their lives they way they chose; they wanted to show their independence and ability to make decisions, and not live by the beliefs of their predecessors.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How and why is masculinity in crisis?

How and why is masculinity in crisis? Discuss with reference to psychoanalytic theories of masculinity. It is widely argued that Western Societies are currently witnessing a crisis of masculinity. The status of masculinity is changing and this is partially due because the society is changing economically, socially and especially in relation to the position of women. These changes also affect the sphere of consumption and popular culture. I will examine at first how Freud places a great emphasis on the early relationship of the young boy. This relationship will have important consequences for development. According to Freud, this relationship is overshadowed by the oedipal conflict. Secondly I will go through Kleins theory about the relationship between the boy and the mother. Contrary to Freud, Melanie Klein emphasis the powerful maternal figure. After that I will explain how masculinity is shaped by social and cultural theories; how and why masculinity is changing. Masculine identity as it has been seen formerly within patriarchal cultures as evolved into a new male. The roots of a crisis in masculinity are analysed in social theories in terms of a conflict in gender roles. Cultural theories, which intersect with Lacans idea, are also important in how the crisis in masculinity has been studied. The rise of feminism has surely encouraged many men to question how they view women. Now that feminism has attacked the pat riarchal systems of power and control, masculinity has been left undermined and unsure. Finally I will give an overview on how masculinity is view between men. To evaluate how masculinity might be in crisis, it is first necessary to examine how psychoanalytical theories assume that boys gain their masculine identity; or in other words how they become men. Freuds ideas about masculinity developed in three steps. The first one is the idea of continuity between normal and neurotic mental life, the concepts of repression and the unconscious, and the method that allowed unconscious mental processes to be read through dreams, jokes, slips of the tongues and symptoms (Connell, 1995). Freud understood that adult sexuality and gender were not fixed by nature but were constructed through a long and conflict-ridden process. Freud places a great emphasis on the early relationships of the young boy with his parents or caregivers. It is the vicissitudes of these relationships that will have important consequences for development. In Freudian terms, this early relationship is overshadowed by the oedipal conflict. The Oedipus complex is characterized by th e desire for one parent and hatred for the other. For boys, the Oedipus complex is the rivalry with the father and terror of castration. Here Freud identified a formative moment in masculinity and pictured the dynamics of a formative relationship. Freud argued that homosexuality is not a simple gender switch and a large proportion of male inverts retain the mental quality of masculinity. The second step in Freuds analysis of masculinity is the development to gender. He goes further by saying that masculine and feminine currents coexist in everyone. In his final stage, Freud developed his account of the structure of personality, in particular the concept of the superego. The superego is formed in the aftermath of the Oedipus complex, by internalized prohibitions from the parents. Freud gradually came to see it as having a gendered character, being crucially a product of the childs relationship with the father, and more distinct in the case of boys and girls. This provided the germ of a theory of the patriarchal organization of culture, transmitted from one generation to the next through the construction of masculinity. The most important processes that occur in early life that influence the construction of the male identity is the oedipal complex. According to Greenson (1968), the idea of disidentification is divided into two processes: firstly a boy must sever the emotional ties he has with the primary caregiver, usually the mother, and secondly he needs to identify with a male role model, usually the father. The role of the father in the masculine identity is seen as crucial by psychoanalysts. Horrocks (1994) sees the role of fathering as an introduction to manhood. He also identify one of the most important functions of the father as to show the young boy that it is possible to live with the mother, to have conflict, fear and guilt. According to Horrocks, the modern damage male is seen as unfathered. The boys entry into his masculinity can only be achieved through his castration complex which sets in motion his separation from his mother and identification with his father. Freud (1925) explains the castration complex by a few stages. First, the young boy believes that everyone has a penis. Secondly, he discovers that women do not have penises and assumes that they have been mutilated. Thirdly, when he begins to masturbate, he is told that he will be castrated. Fourthly, when he finds that the breast has been removed, he believes that the penis will be next. The Oedipus complex is abolished by the fear of castration. In contrast to Freud, Melanie Klein argues that is envy of the mother rather than rivalry with the father that impedes psychic changes. The relationship between the boys and the mother has been left undeveloped by Freud. Disagreeing with Freud, about his account of oedipal feelings in relation to the father, she argues that the first signs appear in relation to the mother. In fact, according to Horrocks (1994) the young boy is surrounded by feminine presence throughout his early childhood, and it is important for him to break away and discover a world of men where he can gain his roots of male identity. The central paradox is that men want to escape from womanhood but there is also the desire to become close to a woman. For Klein, masculinity and femininity are biologically determined and reinforced during childhood in opposition to Freud who believes that bodies and minds are structured through patterns of cultural power. Klein assumes that the concept of the womb envy is an importa nt component in the male psyche. Minsky (1995) describes how the Kleinian point of view sees the development of male power as being rooted in the fear of the womb. Besides his envy of his mothers breasts, the young boy also becomes envious of her womb and the power it give to create life. According to Minsky (1995), the phallus saves men and provides a distraction from the womb envy. Kleins concept of womb-envy is important to understand male misogyny. Boys envious of their mother have to accept that they can never have breasts or a womb. Unconscious womb-envy helps to explain the opposition between nature (identified with women) and culture (identified with men). Men have to opt for culture because nature, in the sense of giving birth and feeding children from their own bodies, is simply unavailable to them (Minsky, 1996). Is the notion of a crisis in masculinity new, or it is just that each generation experiences it in different ways? The evidence has been suggesting the latter. As Mangan says Crisis isa condition of masculinity itself. Masculine gender identity is never stable; its terms are continually being re-defined and re-negotiated, the gender performance continually being re-staged. Certain themes and tropes inevitably re-appear with regularity, but each era experiences itself in different ways. (Mangan 1997:4). Cultural conceptions of masculinity and femininity vary between cultures and alter over historical time. Cultural theories, which intersect with Lacans ideas, are important in how the crisis in masculinity has been studied. According to Lacan, the phallus is the central signifier of the sexual difference. The principle of masculinity rests on the repression of feminine aspects and introduces conflict into the opposition of masculine and feminine. Faludi (2000) described the new male as objectified and subject of a sexist consumer culture. In addition, he believes that the mans secured attachments and relationships with the workplace are no longer powerful and exclusive as they were. Now that the rise of feminism has attacked the patriarchal systems of power and control, masculinity has been left undermined and unsure. Apparently, this rise has left men confused in the way they view women. Faludi strongly believes that this crisis in masculinity can be resolved if both women and men c an work together to combat it. There are a number of contributory factors to the so-called crisis in masculinity. I will be describing some of them. Maguire (1995) point out that mens crisis concerned their social role and identity. For her, these uncertainties manifest themselves in violence, increased levels of suicide and abusive behaviour towards them or others. Men are more likely to commit suicide than women. Suicide appears to be triggered by relationship problems, unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse, low self-esteem and mental illness. Many men remain bad at acknowledging and expressing feelings which left them trapped between the old-style macho and the new-man type behaviour requiring a man to be in touch with his feelings. Social research finds that men are choosing to remain living at home rather than move out on their own (Office of National Statistics, 2000). Whitehead (2002) found out that this evidence prove that men are failing to cope with the new challenges they are facing. Society is moving from a patriarchal culture, to give way to different masculinities. The rise of feminism, changing family patterns, social concerns about jobs contributed to these changes. The advent of post modernity has resulted in redundancy, constant job role changes and unemployment for men. According to Beynon (2001) men now suffer deep depression at the loss of the breadwinner role and the status that went with it. He claims that men are falling out of family life in greater numbers and may end up lonely. More men end up isolated socially and psychologically, finding it difficult to ask for help. At least 50% of marriage in UK result in divorce and as Beynon found out men is mostly responsible for marital breakdown. Nowadays, women have demonstrated that they can bring up children without men. Clare says that the rise in the number of single mothers suggests not merely that men are inadequate as partners and fathers, but they are simply redundant. Women are asserting that they can convince rear children on their own. They dont need men to father their childrenwomen can do without them in the workplace. Even more significantly, they can do without them in their beds. (Clare 2000:100). A significant number of fathers involved in divorce leave the family home and become non-resident. The visiting father is a shadowy, displaced figure trying to avoid becoming an ex-father, who stops but does not stay, who is no longer a man of the house, but a visitor who come and goes. (Clare 2000: 150-1). Women are seen to be living more successful and fulfilling lives, without relying on their partners. So, the loss of patriarchal authority and the equality in heterosexual relationship have left men disoriented. In other way, is the notion of a crisis in masculinity new, or it is just that each generation experiences it in different ways? The evidence has been suggesting the latter. As Mangan says Crisis isa condition of masculinity itself. Masculine gender identity is never stable; its terms are continually being re-defined and re-negotiated, the gender performance continually being re-staged. Certain themes and tropes inevitably re-appear with regularity, but each era experiences itself in different ways. (Mangan 1997:4).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Markering :: GCSE Business Marketing BTEC Coursework

Markering Introduction Steve Case founded America Online (AOL) in pre-Internet days when the networking of various computer systems was rather informal and difficult for all but the highly computer-literate to accomplish. His goal was to make accessing these networks easy enough for anyone to manage. Though AOL has changed dramatically since those days, ease of use has remained a primary consideration in all changes visible to the user. Much maligned by the more "serious" services (and their subscribers) in the past, AOL has risen to be the industry leader despite challenges and the image of being the J.R. Ewing of the Internet, the provider everyone "loves to hate." Advertisers complain of AOL's dictatorial policies, yet with more than 21 million subscribers (Anonymous, 2000), AOL is an advertising venue that they dare not ignore. Current Situation and Background All large organizations today have vision and mission statements, but only the most successful actually adhere to them. Many organizations sport rather cryptic mission statements, or they put great effort into devising one and then never consult it again. AOL appears to be cognizant of both its mission and vision statements in every addition it makes to its service. America Online's Vision: To build an interactive medium that improves the lives of people and benefits society as no other medium before it. America Online's Mission: To build a global medium as central to people's lives as the telephone or television... and even more valuable (America Online, 1999; p. 34). Corporate strategy is clear. Mission and vision statements reveal gross strategy; investment reports indicate that more narrow strategy also is effective. Several advertisers have complained about AOL's policies in the past, but the factors of which they complain are those that keep AOL's management – rather than the phenomenal growth of the Internet – in control of the company's destiny and its attainment of its goals. Senior management misjudged the response to its offer of flat-rate charges for unlimited use, and the company even suffered class-action lawsuits after their access systems were overwhelmed in many areas. Seeking the greatest number of subscribers and offering to highlight advertisers willing to pay for AOL's assistance is a strategy that ensures AOL's continued financial good health. AOL's functional strategy of being indispensable to subscribers is one that can work to ensure the company's continued growth. Already, AOL has more content than does any other ISP (Anonymous, 2000), and it seeks only to grow in scope.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

John Dewey And Education Education Essay

The thoughts of the great American philosopher, John Dewey, transformed the American instruction system. While all Dewey did was merely use some of his pragmatist philosophical ideals to the schoolroom, the consequences of his work changed instruction everlastingly. In the short essay, â€Å" My Pedagogic Creed, † Dewey gives his readers great insight into his thoughts sing what instruction is, how it should be done, and why it ‘s of import. Today, he is considered a â€Å" male parent of instruction † and his positions are being adapted in all kinds of ways in schoolrooms around the universe. Dewey foremost stood out by rejecting the traditional ideal of American instruction which was built around instructors standing up in the forepart of the schoolroom and pouring information into the heads of their pupils. Alternatively, Dewey suggested a new signifier of instruction that utilised applicable experience as the cardinal component of larning. Thesis sentences her e John Dewey embodies many of the matter-of-fact ideals that define American doctrine. He was born around the clip that Charles Darwin ‘s Origin of Species book came out, so the arguments environing that subject had a monumental influence on his doctrine. Along with many other American philosophers of Dewey ‘s clip, such as Charles Sanders Peirce, there was a desire to react to these new finds in evolutionary scientific discipline and happen out how they related to doctrine. Dewey believed that cognition was best discovered through the scientific method. As I will subsequently speak about, this is nowhere more prevailing than in Dewey ‘s theoretical account for instruction in which he defaults to hands-on experience and enquiry as the paramount key to larning. Traveling out into the existent universe and holding a unrecorded experience that could be tested and criticized by others in order to come on to something better was indispensable to Dewey ‘s position and a foundational belief of many American pragmatists. In the eyes of Dewey, instruction and life were one in the same. Dewey is quoted as stating, â€Å" instruction is a procedure of life and non a readying for future life † ( 8, My Pedagogic Creed ) . A proper instruction of the person was indispensable to the operation and growing of that person and the society they lived in, as school was foremost a â€Å" societal establishment. † School was to be centered on the community and the pupil was being developed in school so they could be an active member of the community. Dewey advocated that what a kid does in their place life should be incorporated into the course of study in the schoolroom. Besides for Dewey, the pupil had to be invested in their instruction for it to intend anything. The manner that he suggested this be accomplished was to allow the pupils learn about something they were interested in. An instruction could merely be valuable if the pupil was larning stuff that they could really use to their existent mu ndane life as evidenced by Dewey ‘s quotation mark, â€Å" True instruction comes through the stimulation of the kid ‘s powers by the demands of the societal state of affairss in which he finds himself † ( 2, My Pedagogic Creed ) . Dewey believed that instruction was a procedure of find where pupils would analyze what they were interested in at their ain gait as they were bit by bit going more cognizant of where their involvements laid. Dewey ‘s instruction system is possibly most good known for how it stresses the importance of â€Å" custodies on † experience in the acquisition procedure. Dewey believed that people learned best by traveling out and interactively â€Å" making. † Out were the yearss where instructors would talk on facts and information, coercing their thoughts onto the pupils. Dewey criticized instructors and the current instruction system for protecting pupils excessively closely and non allowing them travel out into the existent universe so they could bloom stating, â€Å" the state of affairs approaches larning to swim without traveling excessively near the H2O † ( The Relation of Theory to Practice, Dewey ) . For Dewey, a instructor ‘s occupation was more about being a facilitator to the pupils, assisting them discover what they were interested in and so making ways for them to actively ‘do ‘ these things. Ultimately for Dewey, larning grounded in ex perience combined with capable affair that was interesting and applicable to the pupil would take to a greater society. I think that both good and bad semen from John Dewey ‘s thoughts for instruction. First off, I like Dewey ‘s motion off from learning manners that stressed merely memorisation and the regurgitation of facts. Hands-on experience is a proved manner for pupils to larn. It is much more gratifying for the pupil and seems to be straight applicable to their hereafter. I besides agree with Dewey ‘s position that pupils should larn about something that involvements them. Stuffing facts that childs do non hold any desire to larn down their pharynxs is non good to anyone. When pupils can really link with the stuff they are larning, they are more likely to set in the clip and attempt that is necessary to to the full develop their cognition and apprehension of a topic. Lastly, I believe that it ‘s a good thought to concentrate your surveies in one peculiar country as it is really hard to get the hang a battalion of topics. I think it ‘s better to be highly adept in o ne topic than to hold an mean sum of cognition in multiple topics. This manner, everyone can pick an country of survey that involvements them and so, as a community, each individual can convey their one alone country of expertness to the tabular array and the remainder of the people that are n't as fluent in that topic can profit. With that being said, I think the preceding rules need to be applied in moderateness. While memorisation and repeat is non a perfect signifier of instruction, the consequences are difficult to reason with. I believe that there is something to be said for get the hanging a topic. For illustration, my major country of survey is accounting. It is one thing for me to acquire custodies on experience straight applicable to my major, but larning can non merely come through â€Å" playing † so to talk. I must first analyze all the foundational information that is out at that place. There are many people in the universe that are much more knowing on the topic than me and there are a batch of valuable things I can larn from them. Second, to be a successful comptroller, there are other nucleus topics that I must be competent in. For case, I need to be knowing in English to be able to pass on with my coworkers and I need to cognize math so I am able to calculate the expression required in accounting. There is a proved value in holding a rounded instruction. Learning about topics that may non straight use to your country of survey can profit you in many different ways. As an illustration, possibly it could sharpen your critical thought accomplishments. And on top of that, a pupil might believe they are non interested in a certain topic until they really take a category and larn about it. Hard work and long hours spent in the library-sometimes memorizing rules and formulas-is necessary for me to be a maestro of accounting, although I may non bask that work. To me, Dewey ‘s instruction system seems to promote jumping the chief class and traveling consecutive to dessert. I believe that I foremost need to get the hang the rules of accounting in order to merit a shooting of traveling out into the existent universe and really â€Å" making † accounting. Dewey stayed true to his matter-of-fact ideals by proving out his ain instruction theories in a real-life environment. He created what became to be known as his really ain â€Å" laboratory school. † Dewey ‘s school was radically different than any other of its clip. The pupils did non sit at desks and listen to a teacher talk or make homework jobs out of a text edition. Alternatively they would be traveling about the schoolroom making changing physical activities, such as run uping or cooking. As I stated earlier, Dewey believed that pupils could larn the critical accomplishments ( math and scientific discipline for illustration ) that they needed by making these types of activities alternatively of the more traditional â€Å" analyzing the text edition † method. The kids were broken down by age and every different age group was ever making something different. Dewey had the childs traveling on field trips, edifice theoretical accounts, moving out dramas, and pla ying games among many other â€Å" active † things. He preached that instructors should keep off on holding childs do things like reading and composing until the pupil found it necessary and appealing to make so ( Dewey Article, Enotes ) . Dewey ‘s school had its successes and failures and there is a batch that can be taken away his expansive â€Å" experiment. † While I do acknowledge that a batch of great instruction patterns were foremost developed at Dewey ‘s laboratory school, I can non assist but detect the cardinal defects that existed in it. If I was to use what Dewey showcased in his school to today ‘s universe of instruction, I think his system would neglect. The ground for this is first that Dewey seemed to be looking at instruction through â€Å" rose coloured spectacless † so to talk. In my sentiment, a theory on instruction should be able to use to any state of affairs. I think about what Dewey had put together in his school, where the place life was to a great extent incorporated into the category course of study. But, what about kids that come from broken places, as we see so frequently in today ‘s society? If a kid is being abused or enduring under the ticker of alcoholic parents, who could care less about their kid ‘s instruction, how would that suit into Dewey ‘s system? Dewey ‘s s chool would likely work good in a instance where a kid has really supportive parents that are highly interested in their kid ‘s instruction, but how frequently is that non the instance in today ‘s universe? Henry Perkinson, an writer and pedagogue at New York University, makes a remark about Dewey ‘s lab school stating, â€Å" Dewey ‘s educational doctrine depicts a school or school endeavor that ne'er existed and likely ne'er could be. To transport it out would necessitate superteachers and superstudents † ( Perkinson, ) . While I believe Dewey is taking instruction in the right way, I think he foremost needs to happen a manner to develop a theory on instruction that can use to each and every pupil. Another country that I merely ca n't hold with Dewey in is how he resorts to see as the primary manner for a pupil to larn. Without a uncertainty, I believe that his method of enquiry can add a batch to a pupil ‘s instruction. In his school, the childs were making so many astonishing things that I wish I could hold done in my old ages as a immature male child. But, looking at the large image, there seems to be so many things that a kid must larn over their life-time that they can non perchance detect and â€Å" make † everything. Yes, you can larn math when mensurating out the flour required to bake a bar, but can that signifier of math be applied to everything? There are other things out in the universe like mensurating liquids or numbering coins. How would one kid have the clip and the agencies to see every individual thing? I think that at some point, pupils will necessitate to utilize some signifier of memorisation of information or facts as a footing of cognition th at they can so utilize to larn about other things. A quotation mark from a parent that had a kid in Dewey ‘s school truly sums up this job stating, â€Å" We have to learn him how to analyze. He learned to ‘observe ‘ last twelvemonth † ( Storr, ) . I think that Dewey had the right thought, but he had everything backwards. First, the pupil should larn a foundation of cognition, from something like a text edition, and so they can travel out and experiment and use that cognition to existent mundane state of affairss. John Dewey was a great philosopher that made ground-breaking progresss in instruction. He was a adult male that practiced what he preached and for that I have great regard. I do like Dewey ‘s thoughts in doses. In the terminal, I think that a good balance of his â€Å" experiential acquisition † in combination with a disciplined survey of information and text edition is the best signifier of instruction. While his thoughts did hold their defects, the way that he took American instruction was for the better.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why Some Cells Commit Suicide

Why Some Cells Commit Suicide Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a naturally occurring process in the body. It involves a controlled sequence of steps in which cells signal self-termination, in other words, your cells commit suicide.   Apoptosis is a way for the  body to keep checks and balances on the natural  cell division  process of mitosis  or continued cell growth and regeneration. Why Cells Undergo Apoptosis There are several instances in which cells may need to self-destruct. In some situations, cells may need to be removed to ensure proper development. For example, as our brains develop, the body creates millions of more cells than it needs; the ones that do not form synaptic connections can undergo apoptosis so that the remaining cells can function well. Another example is the natural process of menstruation that involves the breakdown and removal of tissue from the uterus. Programmed cell death is necessary to start the process of menstruation. Cells may also become damaged or undergo some type of infection. One way to remove these cells without causing harm to other cells is for your body to initiate apoptosis.  Cells may recognize viruses  and gene mutations and can induce death to prevent the damage from spreading. What Happens During Apoptosis? Apoptosis is a complex process. During apoptosis, a cell triggers a process from within that will allow it to commit suicide. If a cell experiences some type of significant stress, such as DNA damage, then signals are released which cause mitochondria to release apoptosis-inducing proteins. As a result, the cell undergoes a reduction in size as its cellular components and organelles break down and condense. Bubble-shaped balls called blebs appear on the surface of the cell membrane. Once the cell shrinks, it breaks down into smaller fragments called apoptotic bodies and sends out distress signals to the body. These fragments are enclosed in membranes so as not to harm nearby cells. The distress signal is answered by vacuum cleaners known as macrophages. The macrophages clean away the shrunken cells, leaving no trace, so these cells have no chance to cause cellular damage or an inflammatory reaction. Apoptosis can also be triggered externally by chemical substances that bind to specific receptors on the cell surface. This is how white blood cells combat infection and activate apoptosis in infected cells. Apoptosis and Cancer Some types of cancers persist as a result of a cells inability to trigger apoptosis. Tumor viruses change cells by integrating their genetic material with the host cells DNA. Cancer cells are usually a permanent insertion in the genetic material. These viruses  can sometimes initiate the production of proteins that stop apoptosis from occurring. An example of this is seen with papilloma viruses, which have been linked with cervical cancer. Cancer cells that do not develop from viral infection can also produce substances that inhibit apoptosis and promote uncontrolled growth. Radiation and chemical therapies are used as a mode of therapy to induce apoptosis in some types of cancers.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Organization of African Unity History and Goals essays

The Organization of African Unity History and Goals essays The Organization of the African Unity is both the symbol and embodiment of age-old Pan-African yearnings that found remarkable expression in the 19th Century epics of scattered Africa Communities all over the world. A movement of self-assertin in its early days, Pan-Africanism evolved progressively into an organized force with cultural and political claims especially after World War II when it took on a continental dimension. At that time, African leaders disagreed about what the organization should be. Some leaders pushed for the creation of a central government that would unite all of Africa under one authority. However, most of the African nations had just recently gained independence from colonial rule and their leaders opposed the idea. The leaders eventually reached a compromise out in so doing created an organization that is controlled by its member nations leaving it with little power to act on its own. The Organization of African Unity was born to help strengthen ties between African nations, and settle disputes. It aso went through many problems which underminded its ability to achieve its goals. It also promoted continental peace, unity, and cooperation. The OAU works to resolve conflicts between nations and to coordinate political, econommic, cultural scientific, medical, and defense policis. The Organization of African Unity was founded in Addis Ababa on May 25, 1963. The OAU had open with 32 member nations whom which signed the Charter of the Organization by the Heads of State and Government of independent African States, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was also signed on that occasion. The first head chair of the OAU was Olympio Sylvannus. Olympio Sylvannus was born on September 6, 1902 in Agone, Togo. He was educated at the London School of Economics and later emplyed by the United African Company in 1926. He entered politics as ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery

Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery An earlier article in this document explored the writing of argumentative essays. The present article will rely on the guidelines provided earlier to present a sample argumentative essay on plastic surgery. Beauty has always enjoyed great value in every society, irrespective of the conservative traditions that may prevail in that society. Right from childhood, human beings are taught that a beautiful person always has a prize attached to the beauty. This explains why children exhibit an unconsciousness tendency to describe awesome experiences as being beautiful. In ancient African societies, the embracing of beauty was seen in some communities painting their faces with bright colors. Among the Maasai of Kenya, for example, red ochre was used to paint the face. The trend of appreciating beauty took a different twist as time went by. The Indians pioneered the art of doing nose lifts. It was perceived that women with pointed noses were more appealing to the male generation. Other cu ltures aped this art, and the practice of face lifting and organ firming developed. In the modern world, the term â€Å"plastic surgery† is not new, especially with the rise to fame of the deceased rock musician, Michael Jackson. Recently, plastic surgery has gained substantial recognition among the enlightened generation. Numerous television programs that expose the masses to a hitherto secretive affair boost this. Thanks to plastic surgery, a person can find a lasting solution to certain bodily flaws that are perceived as threatening one’s success in a professional field. The proponents of plastic surgery argue that it greatly assists in enhancing a person’s confidence together with vitality. If you view a typical television show about plastic surgery, you will notice a common principle suggesting that an unhappy individual only needs a surgical operation to turn him or her into a magical success story. However, you have to realize that plastic surgery only bestows temporary confidence. The truth is a cosmetic surgical procedure requires regular maintenance, which means that a series of operations is necessary. Moreover, plastic surgery gives a person unrealistic expectations. He or she goes into the surgical room expecting to come out a transformed individual who will attract others’ positive attention. On the contrary, plastic surgery is a mere illusion in which the person wrongly thinks he/she has acquired more self-esteem. This is gauged by the supposed approval that other people show about the new appearance. Conversely, in most cases, people are driven to seek cosmetic surgery by their spouses or colleagues. It is perfectly understandable to have a desire of remaining youthful. Nevertheless, there are myriad healthy ways of maintaining radiant skin. Instead of opting for a potentially life-threatening superficial operation, why not eat natural foods and exercise regular ly? Besides, there is absolutely no point why you should be moved to such extents by the viewpoints of people who apparently do not value your inner beauty. The true satisfaction in life is achieved when an individual discovers his or her personal identity. Real happiness comes when people embrace their diversities. is committed to provide students with custom argumentative essays about Plastic Surgery. All you need is to place an order at our site!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Situational analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Situational analysis - Research Paper Example The restrictions on the market hamper the stimulation for economic activities, which create employment for the nationals of Indonesia. The political impact of the political class of Indonesia is that it fails to reduce the ever-growing rate of unemployment through the supporting of restrictive measures in the development of the nation. The economic state of the country is also a substantial determinant of the employment rate of the nationals of West Papua. The economic growth and development is the government’s obligation. The development creates adequate employment through the jobs the process creates. The economy of Indonesia is also pegged on the international economic status (David, 2012, 65). In this regard, many aspect of the economy contribute to the scourge of unemployment in West Papua. Currency fluctuation of India contributed in the reduction in the economic activities, which provide employment opportunities. According To Eben (2010, 34), the social cultural aspect of Indonesia contributes in the unemployment challenge in the country. The culture of the people of West Papua entails the overreliance on wind energy, which leads to less employment opportunities. In this regard, the youth on the region should invest in other renewable energy sources in order to create entrepreneurial opportunities. The people of west Papua have little time for social gratification. The habit leads to low networking of the populace. Consequently, there is no sharing of knowledge on employment opportunities and entrepreneurial ideas. The rate of unemployment increases because of limitation of innovative ideas on business. Technological stagnation is a challenge for the region. The problem is the proximate cause for the unemployment problem in the region. The stagnation limits the investment opportunities available to the youthful population. Richard (2009, 71) asserts that lack of technological application in industries results in inefficiency and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tesla Motors Combate Air Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Tesla Motors Combate Air Pollution - Essay Example The big question is, will Tesla motors and their electric cars save the world? Since an emission free engine was required, electricity was the appropriate fuel to be used in the car (Simioni, 2012). Many companies have in the past only managed to get hybrid engines of electricity and organic fuel. However, this does not solve the emission issue as organic fuels are still involved. However, based on Harvard Business School (2008) Tesla motors have found the solution by producing a fully electric engine for vehicles. Their engines only use motors that re driven by magnetic fields generated by electric coils thus driving the car, and in the end an emission free engine is achieved. One only needs to plug the car into a normal electrical socket and the vehicle will get charged. Jupp & Sapsford, (2011) have it that in order to fully discuss this issue, it is pertinent that appropriate data collection through qualitative method be done. This is the best choice for the expected data should be in figures and pictures. In the analysis of the data. The content analysis method will be employed, so that the full picture of the adverse effects of air pollution be captured and how electric vehicles from Tesla motors will help do away with air

Principles of Detail Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Principles of Detail Design - Essay Example Clements et al differentiate architectural design from detailed design in a uniquely interesting way. He alluded that architecture could be defined as a form of design yet the reverse was not possible. The interpretation is that design is not within the realms of architecture since the end of any masterpiece can be manipulative. There is a close relation between detailed design, architecture and construction. From this, designers aiming for success in detailed design are obligated to have or obtain full understanding of the requirements and architecture of the system. Proficiency in particular design strategies such as object-oriented, programming languages, and methods and processes for software quality control becomes a requirement. Detailed design acts as a bridge between design and code in the same way that architecture provides a link between requirements and design. When it comes to implementation, it can be debated that most problem solving activities occur in the detailed des ign phase. This can be demonstrated in the case where a formal process is followed, and the requirements are met by the detailed design and architecture. In numerous real-world applications, intricate problem solving is deferred by the architectural design activity to the detailed design, predominantly through abstraction. In some instances, specifying requirements is also submitted to detailed design. In view of these reasons, detailed design has to assume the role of gatekeeper to ensure that the specification and design of the system are sufficiently completed even before construction begins. This can be particularly hard for large-scale systems built from scratch devoid of experience with the development of systems that are alike. Tasks such as understanding the requirements and architecture, documenting software design, evaluating detailed designs, monitoring and controlling implementation, and creating detailed designs, become major factors in implementing detailed design acti vity. In contrast to software architecture, where the comprehensive set of conditions are assessed and well understood, detailed design activity calls for designers to focus on the requirements assigned to their explicit components. After understanding the architecture and requirements for allocated components, is when the detailed design of software modules can begin. The components of detailed design include both behavioral and structural designs. This is demonstrated by the focus on interface design (which includes internal interface design and external interface design), graphical user interface design-which could be an extension of the designs started during architecture, and internal component design (both structural and behavioral), and data design. The Open-Closed principle (OCP) is a crucial principle for creating recyclable and adjustable systems that advance gracefully with time. The key idea behind the OCP is that working code should remain untouched and any new addition s should come as extensions of the original work. This does not mean that designs modification cannot occur; it means they should be done by incorporating new code

Modern Artists Joan Miro and Marcel Duchamp Essay

Modern Artists Joan Miro and Marcel Duchamp - Essay Example The essay "Modern Artists Joan Miro and Marcel Duchamp" explores Joan Miro and Marcel Duchamp and their works. Marcel’s artwork stands out as an artistic handy work with varied materials that make it real and fascinating to look at thereby inducing immense attention from viewers. This is because the artwork comprises of varied incorporated material not necessarily purchased by procured locally probably collecting worn out pieces of metals and other materials including threads. At a first glance, one cannot tell if the materials used entail ready available resources like copper collar, metal stand and a pulley. I also got fascinated by the work since it shows how thought major level of creativity. This is because for one to come up with a final product that encompasses fitting a painted papier- mache demisphere on velvet covered disk requires patience as well as outstanding creativity. Other intriguing encompasses the artiste’s blending of harmonious colors within the wh ole piece of work, which are black, white and brown. Hence, making the object appear integrated also with its settings and other parts such that it is not contrasting its varied parts together with shadow cast just close to it. This brings out the impact of visibility, which makes it exceptional compared to other pieces of work that may resemble it. Mainly, this is an artistic technique commonly associated with exceptional artists in their quest to create attention despite their works’ settings or placement in a museum as in Marcel’s artwork. ... Based on this piece of work (completed in 1936) depicting perching parrot, I guess the artist’s interest encompassed making his works resemble mostly nature and other wild creatures though in an illogical manner. This is evident in the way he is capable of incorporating wild features in his work and other things like a shoe as well as hat whose original settings as expected by mere audience does not resemble what he has made through this artwork. However, the artwork is extremely intriguing, which was the reason of choosing it. Similar to Marcel, the artists has also embraced use of harmonious though having lighter shading to align adequately with the artwork settings and somehow wildly nature. The latter is evident in the way the perched by the parrot seems all through having almost close colors thus no sharp contrasting. In addition, Miro’s work resembles that of his counterpart Marcel through assembly of varied aspects to create a unique and an identifiable object. I n comparison with Marcel’s artwork, Miro seemed to have gone further into utilizing refined aspects to come up with this artwork, which are shoe, art and others like different material for engraving the map, which is diverse from the brown one protruding from the base. The reason behind choosing this artwork was due to the artist’s fascinating way of incorporating nature with other aspects to make the viewer deem he or she is in the wild. This is via Joan merging varied materials to come up with appears like a tree hoisting a bird in order to bring out the hidden fascination in nature and the wild. Thesis: Marcel and Joan despite their respective artworks differing in the manner of materials incorporated in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discuss the impact of raising minimum wages on minimum wage earners Essay

Discuss the impact of raising minimum wages on minimum wage earners and economy as a whole - Essay Example Increment of minimum wage has been a hotly debated issue not only by economists but also by the non-economist public (Neumark & Adams 6). On this issue, the non-economists have been largely pitted against the economists with the non-economists believing that raising minimum wage benefits employees and prevents employee exploitation by employers. On the other hand, economists are of the opinion that raising minimum wages actually hurt the very employees it is purported to help (Card & Krueger 20). This paper explores the effects of raising minimum wages for both the economy and minimum wage earners. Impacts of Raising Minimum Wages The first reason raising of minimum wages hurts the same people it is intended to help is that increasing these wages and creating laws that set them does not guarantee the public any more jobs. On the contrary, once minimum wages are increased, low-skilled workers are faced with the danger of being thrown out of the job market (Neumark & Adams 26). The rea son for this scenario is that employers will raise the skill requirements and the levels of competencies and experience and align them with the newly increased wages. In other words, employers are not willing to pay more for an employee if he or she does not increase or add value to a product in a manner commensurate with the wage increase (Card & Krueger 20). In the opinion of economists such as David Bradford of Princeton, raising minimum wages is tantamount to asking an employee to look for a job that would guarantee the said minimum wage (Neumark & Adams 15). Otherwise, such an employee may not find any job, depending on his level of skill. According to time-series data from decades of studies, it has been proved that raising minimum wages has the effect of reducing employment (American Enterprise Institute 3). This assertion is true if the rate of job losses in the current economy is anything to go by. According to current job estimates, a 10% increase in minimum wages could tr anslate into a decrease of between 1% and 2% in employment (American Enterprise Institute 4). Especially affected in this regard are young and unskilled workers, especially those from vulnerable and less academically and economically-endowed segments of the population. Besides increasing unemployment and job loss, minimum wage increment, especially the relevant laws, change workers’ systems of compensation. For instance, benefits such as free room and board, subsidized child care, on-the-job training, low-cost insurance, which are essential to low-waged and low-skilled worker compensations, are always negatively affected in cases of minimum wage increments. Employers have the tendency of controlling these benefits after minimum wage increments (American Enterprise Institute 4). In worse scenarios, when laws set minimum wages, some employers change full-time low-paying jobs into part-time high-paying jobs. Regrettably, there is rarely accompanying benefits such as reduced work ing hours. On-the-job training is the other aspect of low-wage employees that suffer reduction due to minimum wage increments (American Enterprise Institute 4). Hence, low-skilled workers lose their chance of improving their skills and opportunities to rise in rank. One benefit of reduced minimum wage, as opposed to increased minimum wage is that many employers prefer hiring unskilled workers and then

Employment Relations in the Innovative Electronics Case Study

Employment Relations in the Innovative Electronics - Case Study Example Subsequently, these problems affected diverse business areas within the company besides affecting the stakeholders. The customers could not get their needs and demands met by the products of Innovative and hence walked away. The parent company reduced resources to the subsidiaries, affecting the motivation and reward system negatively. The management structure and the policies that the senior managers used caused mistrust and cynicism and failed to address the problems of the company since coherence and teamwork were affected negatively. Innovative Electronics is a company that operates in Europe and produces sophisticated electronic control equipment used by other big companies in testing and measuring laboratory instruments, mobile phones, and chemicals. The Innovative business has experienced constant problems in the past five years, resulting in a patchy performance because of the economic turmoil that rocked the world’s market for some of its important products. This paper is an integrative case study analysis of Innovative electronics in which the problem is discussed, the case data analyzed, and the main problems facing the company identified and analyzed. In addition, recommendations are made to help improve the situation that the company is in, in future. The Innovative Electronics is experiencing poor and low performance in its business for the last five years because of the market depression for some of its main products. The company, which had been thriving on the power of technological innovations for its business success, is also facing increased threats from its new competitors in the market because of less innovative developments that can neither attract new customers nor retain the existing ones.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Modern Artists Joan Miro and Marcel Duchamp Essay

Modern Artists Joan Miro and Marcel Duchamp - Essay Example The essay "Modern Artists Joan Miro and Marcel Duchamp" explores Joan Miro and Marcel Duchamp and their works. Marcel’s artwork stands out as an artistic handy work with varied materials that make it real and fascinating to look at thereby inducing immense attention from viewers. This is because the artwork comprises of varied incorporated material not necessarily purchased by procured locally probably collecting worn out pieces of metals and other materials including threads. At a first glance, one cannot tell if the materials used entail ready available resources like copper collar, metal stand and a pulley. I also got fascinated by the work since it shows how thought major level of creativity. This is because for one to come up with a final product that encompasses fitting a painted papier- mache demisphere on velvet covered disk requires patience as well as outstanding creativity. Other intriguing encompasses the artiste’s blending of harmonious colors within the wh ole piece of work, which are black, white and brown. Hence, making the object appear integrated also with its settings and other parts such that it is not contrasting its varied parts together with shadow cast just close to it. This brings out the impact of visibility, which makes it exceptional compared to other pieces of work that may resemble it. Mainly, this is an artistic technique commonly associated with exceptional artists in their quest to create attention despite their works’ settings or placement in a museum as in Marcel’s artwork. ... Based on this piece of work (completed in 1936) depicting perching parrot, I guess the artist’s interest encompassed making his works resemble mostly nature and other wild creatures though in an illogical manner. This is evident in the way he is capable of incorporating wild features in his work and other things like a shoe as well as hat whose original settings as expected by mere audience does not resemble what he has made through this artwork. However, the artwork is extremely intriguing, which was the reason of choosing it. Similar to Marcel, the artists has also embraced use of harmonious though having lighter shading to align adequately with the artwork settings and somehow wildly nature. The latter is evident in the way the perched by the parrot seems all through having almost close colors thus no sharp contrasting. In addition, Miro’s work resembles that of his counterpart Marcel through assembly of varied aspects to create a unique and an identifiable object. I n comparison with Marcel’s artwork, Miro seemed to have gone further into utilizing refined aspects to come up with this artwork, which are shoe, art and others like different material for engraving the map, which is diverse from the brown one protruding from the base. The reason behind choosing this artwork was due to the artist’s fascinating way of incorporating nature with other aspects to make the viewer deem he or she is in the wild. This is via Joan merging varied materials to come up with appears like a tree hoisting a bird in order to bring out the hidden fascination in nature and the wild. Thesis: Marcel and Joan despite their respective artworks differing in the manner of materials incorporated in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Employment Relations in the Innovative Electronics Case Study

Employment Relations in the Innovative Electronics - Case Study Example Subsequently, these problems affected diverse business areas within the company besides affecting the stakeholders. The customers could not get their needs and demands met by the products of Innovative and hence walked away. The parent company reduced resources to the subsidiaries, affecting the motivation and reward system negatively. The management structure and the policies that the senior managers used caused mistrust and cynicism and failed to address the problems of the company since coherence and teamwork were affected negatively. Innovative Electronics is a company that operates in Europe and produces sophisticated electronic control equipment used by other big companies in testing and measuring laboratory instruments, mobile phones, and chemicals. The Innovative business has experienced constant problems in the past five years, resulting in a patchy performance because of the economic turmoil that rocked the world’s market for some of its important products. This paper is an integrative case study analysis of Innovative electronics in which the problem is discussed, the case data analyzed, and the main problems facing the company identified and analyzed. In addition, recommendations are made to help improve the situation that the company is in, in future. The Innovative Electronics is experiencing poor and low performance in its business for the last five years because of the market depression for some of its main products. The company, which had been thriving on the power of technological innovations for its business success, is also facing increased threats from its new competitors in the market because of less innovative developments that can neither attract new customers nor retain the existing ones.

Kite Runner Essay Example for Free

Kite Runner Essay Sometimes, up in those trees, I talked Hassan into firing walnuts with his slingshot at the neighbors one-eyed German shepherd. Hassan never wanted to, but if I asked, really asked, he wouldnt deny me. Hassan never denied me anything. And he was deadly with his slingshot. Hassans father, Ali, used to catch us and get mad, or as mad as someone as gentle as Ali could ever get. He would wag his finger and wave us down from the tree. He would take the mirror and tell us what his mother had told him, that the devil shone mirrors too, shone them to distract Muslims during prayer. And he laughs while he does it, he always added, scowling at his son. Yes, Father, Hassan would mumble, looking down at his feet. But he never told on me. Never told that the mirror, like shooting walnuts at the neighbors dog, was always my idea. But we were kids who had learned to crawl together, and no history, ethnicity, society, or religion was going to change that either. I spent most of the first twelve years of my life playing with Hassan. Sometimes, my entire childhood seems like one long lazy summer day with Hassan, chasing each other between tangles of trees in my fathers yard, playing hide-and-seek, cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, insect torture – with our crowning achievement undeniably the time we plucked the stinger off a bee and tied a string around the poor thing to yank it back every time it took flight Think of something good, Baba said in my ear. Something happy. Something good. Something happy. I let my mind wander. I let it come: Friday afternoon in Paghman. An open field of grass speckled with mulberry trees in blossom. Hassan and I stand ankle-deep in untamed grass, I am tugging on the line, the spool spinning in Hassans calloused hands, our eyes turned up to the kite in the sky. Not a word passes between us, not because we have nothing to say, but because we dont have to say anything – thats how it is between people who are each others first memories, people who have fed from the same breast. A breeze stirs the grass and Hassan lets the spool roll. The kite spins, dips, steadies. Our twin shadows dance on the rippling grass. From somewhere over the low brick wall at the other end of the field, we hear chatter and laughter and the chirping of a water fountain. And music, some thing old and familiar, I think its Ya Mowlah on rubab strings. Someone calls our names over the wall, says its time for tea and cake Next to me, Sohrab was breathing rapidly through his nose. The spool rolled in his palms, the tendons in his scarred wrists like rubab strings. Then I blinked and, for just a moment, the hands holding the spool were the chipped-nailed, calloused hands of a harelipped boy. I heard a crow cawing somewhere and I looked up. The park shimmered with snow so fresh, so dazzling white, it burned my eyes. It sprinkled soundlessly from the branches of white-clad trees. I smelled turnip qurma now. Dried mulberries. Sour oranges. Sawdust and walnuts. The muffled quiet, snow-quiet, was deafening. Then far away, across the stillness, a voice calling us home, the voice of a man who dragged his right leg Quote #1Sometimes, up in those trees, I talked Hassan into firing walnuts with his slingshot at the neighbour’s one-eyed German shepherd. Hassan never wanted to, but if I asked, really asked, he wouldnt deny me. Hassan never denied me anything. And he was deadly with his slingshot. Hassans father, Ali, used to catch us and get mad, or as mad as someone as gentle as Ali could ever get. He would wag his finger and wave us down from the tree. He would take the mirror and tell us what his mother had told him, that the devil shone mirrors too, shone them to distract Muslims during prayer. And he laughs while he does it, he always added, scowling at his son. Yes, Father, Hassan would mumble, looking down at his feet. But he never told on me. Never told that the mirror, like shooting walnuts at the neighbors dog, was always my idea. (2. 2-3)| This passage shows up early in the novel and really tells us quite a bit about Amir and Hassans friendship. Hassan protects and defends Amir and, foreshadowing later events in the novel, refuses to tell on Amir. (Hassan will later take the blame for the wad of cash and the watch. ) We should also note that Amir seems like the gang leader in this passage, getting the two boys into trouble. Does Amir control the relationship? Is this why Hassan often takes the blame for things? Does Amir ever take responsibility for anything in the novel? Quote #2Then he [Ali] would remind us that there was a brotherhood between people who had fled from the same breast, a kinship that not even time could break. Hassan and I fed from the same breasts. We took our first steps on the same lawn in the same yard. And, under the same roof, we spoke our first words. Mine was Baba. His was Amir. My name. | Theres a primal closeness between Amir and Hassan. Later, well find out the two boys have the same father, but notice how Hosseini is laying the groundwork for that revelation. The two boys might as well be brothers: they learn to walk together, they learn to speak together, and they feed from the same breast. Which brings up an interesting question: What does Rahim Khans revelation – that Amir and Hassan are half-brothers – really change? Arent the two already brothers in everything? Or does blood fundamentally change Amirs relationship with Hassan? Quote #3Ali and Baba grew up together as childhood playmates – at least until polio crippled Alis leg – just like Hassan and I grew up a generation later. Baba was always telling us about the mischief he and Ali used to cause, and Ali would shake his head and say, But, Agha sahib, tell them who was the architect of the mischief and who the poor laborer? Baba would laugh and throw his arm around Ali. But in none of his stories did Baba ever refer to Ali as his friend. (4. 2-3)| Baba and Alis friendship parallels Amir and Hassans on a number of levels. First, as this passage indicates, theres a similar pattern of leadership (and power): both Baba and Amir have dominant roles in each friendship. And, lest you forget, Baba betrays Ali much like Amir betrays Hassan. As they say, two peas in a pod. Or, maybe it would be four peas in a pod. Were not sure. Anyways, after Amir learns that Baba lied to him for years, he says: Baba and I were more alike than Id ever known. We had both betrayed the people who would have given their lives for us (18. 7). Four peas in a pod. Quote #4But we were kids who had learned to crawl together, and no history, ethnicity, society, or religion was going to change that either. I spent most of the first twelve years of my life playing with Hassan. Sometimes, my entire childhood seems like one long lazy summer day with Hassan, chasing each other between tangles of trees in my fathers yard, playing hide-and-seek, cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, insect torture – with our crowning achievement undeniably the time we plucked the stinger off a bee and tied a string around the poor thing to yank it back every time it took flight. (4. 6)| Amir lays out the opposing argument just prior to this paragraph. In it, he says ethnicity will always define a relationship. We believe Hosseini really wants us to grapple with Amirs contradictory stances: Does Amirs friendship with Hassan ever get past history, ethnicity, society, and religion? Later, Amir will justify his cowardice in the alleyway by asking himself if he really has to defend Hassan (since Hassan is a Hazara). Does Amir ever get past his prejudices? Were really not sure about this one. Hosseini devotes the entire novel to this question. Quote 5I know, he said, breaking our embrace. Inshallah, well celebrate later. Right now, Im going to run that blue kite for you, he said. He dropped the spool and took off running, the hem of his green chapan dragging in the snow behind him. Hassan! I called. Come back with it! He was already turning the street corner, his rubber boots kicking up snow. He stopped, turned. He cupped his hands around his mouth. For you a thousand times over! he said. Then he smiled his Hassan smile and disappeared around the corner. The next time I saw him smile unabashedly like that was twenty-six years later, in a faded Polaroid photograph. (7. 52-54)| Yet again, Hassan demonstrates his loyalty and devotion to Amir. If we were to judge Amir and Hassans friendship by actions and not simply expressions of loyalty, the score would be pretty lopsided. (Of course, Amir saves Hassans son at the end of the book from a pathological pedophile so that counts for something. ) We also want to point out the irony in Hassans reply: For you a thousand times over! Amir will develop a pretty nasty case of insomnia as the guilt piles up inside him. Really, Amir returns to the alleyway thousands of times in his memory before he comes to peace with his cowardice. And so the phrase a thousand times over is colored with some pretty devastating irony. Yes, Hosseini is using irony again. Quote #6[Assef:] But before you sacrifice yourself for him, think about this: Would he do the same for you? Have you ever wondered why he never includes you in games when he has guests? Why he only plays with you when no one else is around? Ill tell you why, Hazara. Because to him, youre nothing but an ugly pet. Something he can play with when hes bored, something he can kick when hes angry. Dont ever fool yourself and think youre something more. Amir agha and I are friends, Hassan said. He looked flushed. Friends? Assef said, laughing. You pathetic fool! Someday youll wake up from your little fantasy and learn just how good of a friend he is. Now, bas! Enough of this. Give us that kite. (7. 106-108)| This is a fairly complex scene. Assef, before he assaults and rapes Hassan, asks Hassan whether he really wants to sacrifice himself for Amir. We know Amir is listening in – and watching – this exchange between Assef and Hassan. In a way, Assefs speech is not prophetic but descriptive: Amir is abandoning Hassan right now. However, we wonder if Assefs description is inaccurate. Is Assef describing his own relationship with Hazaras or Amirs with Hassan? Sure, sometimes Amir does cruel things to Hassan, but he also reads to Hassan and spends almost all his free time with Hassan. Amir may hesitate to call Hassan his friend, but perhaps thats because neither friend nor servant really describes Hassan. Brother might do the trick, but Amir has no idea at this point. Quote #7Think of something good, Baba said in my ear. Something happy. Something good. Something happy. I let my mind wander. I let it come: Friday afternoon in Paghman. An open field of grass speckled with mulberry trees in blossom. Hassan and I stand ankle-deep in untamed grass, I am tugging on the line, the spool spinning in Hassans calloused hands, our eyes turned up to the kite in the sky. Not a word passes between us, not because we have nothing to say, but because we dont have to say anything – thats how it is between people who are each others first memories, people who have fed from the same breast. A breeze stirs the grass and Hassan lets the spool roll. The kite spins, dips, steadies. Our twin shadows dance on the rippling grass. From somewhere over the low brick wall at the other end of the field, we hear chatter and laughter and the chirping of a water fountain. And music, some thing old and familiar, I think its Ya Mowlah on rubab strings. Someone calls our names over the wall, says its time for tea and cake. (10. 73-75)| You need some context for this quote. Baba and Amir are on their way to Pakistan, but theyre not traveling by taxi or bus. Theyre in the belly of an oil tanker along with dozens of other Afghans. Baba tells Amir to think of something good, something happy. So what does Amir think of? His childhood with Hassan. We believe this passage proves Amirs (brotherly) love for Hassan. Notice that Amir doesnt recall a special moment with Baba, or even his books or poetry. He thinks of Hassan. Quote #8Lying awake in bed that night, I thought of Soraya Taheris sickle-shaped birthmark, her gently hooked nose, and the way her luminous eyes had fleetingly held mine. My heart stuttered at the thought of her. (11. 104)| Soraya doesnt sound that hot here. From Hosseinis description, we picture the witch in Sleeping Beauty: her nose is hooked like a scythe, and her eyes are glowing in a potion-induced mania. However, we do think Sorayas sickle-shaped birthmark should remind you of someone else in the book. Give up? Thats right: Hassan. (Hassan has a harelip. ) Why do you think Hosseini compare these two characters through their physical features? What else do they have in common? Quote #9When we got to Kabul, I [Rahim Khan] discovered that Hassan had no intention of moving into the house. But all these rooms are empty, Hassan jan. No one is going to live in them, I said. But he would not. He said it was a matter of ihtiram, a matter of respect. He and Farzana moved their things into the hut in the backyard, where he was born. I pleaded for them to move into one of the guest bedrooms upstairs, but Hassan would hear nothing of it. What will Amir agha think? he said to me. What will he think when he comes back to Kabul after the war and finds that I have assumed his place in the house? Then, in mourning for your father, Hassan wore black for the next forty days. (16. 24-25)| You may be confused by the voice here. Its actually not Amir – Rahim Khan gets one chapter in the book. Rahim Khan recounts his trip to Hazarajat to find Hassan and bring him back to the house in Kabul. When Hassan does move back to the house with Rahim Khan, he refuses to live where Baba and Amir lived. Does Hassans refusal suggest that Hassan is only Amirs servant and the two never achieved an equal friendship? (Side question: Does Hassan sense – on some unconscious level – Babas true relationship to him? Is that why he mourns Baba for forty days? ) Quote #10Next to me, Sohrab was breathing rapidly through his nose. The spool rolled in his palms, the tendons in his scarred wrists like rubab strings. Then I blinked and, for just a moment, the hands holding the spool were the chipped-nailed, calloused hands of a harelipped boy. I heard a crow cawing somewhere and I looked up. The park shimmered with snow so fresh, so dazzling white, it burned my eyes. It sprinkled soundlessly from the branches of white-clad trees. I smelled turnip qurma now. Dried mulberries. Sour oranges. Sawdust and walnuts. The muffled quiet, snow-quiet, was deafening. Then far away, across the stillness, a voice calling us home, the voice of a man who dragged his right leg. (25. 150)| We think this is one of the most beautiful passages in the book. Hosseini moves effortlessly between the past and present. Sohrab becomes Hassan, and the park in Fremont, California becomes a snow-quiet Kabul. The smells of Kabul mix with the smells of the New Year celebration in the park. Perhaps, at least in the space of this passage, Amir does find peace. America allowed Amir to escape his past for so many years; but, in this moment, the two homelands merge. Ali calls Amir home, and Amir doesnt seem to mind. ROAD TO AMIRS REDEMPTION THE KITE RUNNER REVISION - Top of Form zainboThreads: 1 Posts: 3 Author: Zain Mehdi | Edited by: zainbo Mar 11, 2012, 12:58pm #1| The topic of the Essay is After reading the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, do you think Amir has found redemption in things hes done. If so, please explain how I wrote this essay based on the events that took place in the novel. Each paragraph must have a quote from the book and Ive included that. I just need to see if my essay is well written, correct grammar and other little mistakes. Please and thank you. ROAD TO AMIRS REDEMPTION In a lifetime, everyone will face personal battles and guilt, some large and some small. Such as guilt over sneaking out, not doing homework, or telling your parents a little white lie. People find peace of mind through redeeming themselves, in other words, we do something that makes up for the cause of guilt. Khaled Hosseinis novel The Kite Runner revolves around betrayal and redemption. Redemption is the act of saying or being saved from sin, error or evil, which the main character Amir seems to need the most. Amir lives with the guilt he has built up over the years because of one incident from his childhood. Amirs fathers words still echo through his head A boy who wont stand up for himself becomes a man who cant stand up to anything. ? pg. 24 Although Amir destroyed the lives of many people, and he has had more than one opportunity to redeem himself of his guilt, he is not the selfish little boy he once was. How often does one stop and think, How will this affect everyone else in my life? Amir had a chance in the alley, to put Hassan first and change the path of both their lives, but he made the decision to turn around and run because it was what he thought was best for him: I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan ? the way hed stood up for me all those times in the past ? and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran. I ran because I was a coward. I was afraid of Assef and what he would do to me. I was afraid of getting hurt. Thats what I told myself as I turned my back to the alley, to Hassan. Thats what I made myself believe. I actually aspired to cowardice, because the alternative, the real reason I was running, was that Assef was right: Nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba. ? pg. 77 Amirs selfish ways were a result of the lack of his fathers affection in his life. As a young boy, he was forced to deal with his fathers disinterest in him, which made him incredibly jealous of Hassan. Amir could not understand at the time, why his father adored his servants son more than his own son. As the tension increases between Amir and Hassan, Amir can no longer stand to see Hassan everyday because of what Amir had not stopped and he could not bare seeing his father showing Hassan love and not him. Hassan and his father are forced to leave their home after Amir places his watch under Hassans pillow and accuses him of stealing it. Hassan did not even deny the accusations because he had figured out what Amir was doing. Hassan knew. He knew I had betrayed him and yet he was rescuing me once again, maybe for the last time. ? pg. 111 Even after the alleged theft of the watch, Amirs father is willing to forgive Hassan, which stunned Amir, and made him see that the love his father has for Hassan is greater than he imagined. Amir did not just ruin Hassans life; he also ruined the lives of many people with his decisions after the incident in the alley. Baba lost a chance to watch his son, Hassan, grow up and also lost the chance to bring him to America so he could start a new life. Sohrab lost both his parents to war because they were still living in Afghanistan, lost his childhood to war, and tried to commit suicide as a result of Amir going back on his promise to keep him safe from orphanages. Soraya lost her right to the truth when Amir kept his past a secret even though she opened up to him about hers. It is one thing to destroy your own life with guilt, but it is a completely different issue when you destroy the lives of others. Before Amir can go on the road to redemption, Amir must realize that he cant go back and change what he has done as a child, and he must find inner peace. Although if it was not for Amirs actions as a child, Sohrab never would have needed to be saved in the first place but by saving Sohrab, the last piece of Hassans life, does make a difference. From the moment he chose to turn his back on Hassan, there were many chances where Theres a way to be good again ? pg. 238 for all his wrongdoings, but he chose not to take any of these. Sohrab was his last and only chance for redemption. I have a wife in America, a home, a career and a family. But how could I pack up and go back home when my actions may have cost Hassan a chance at those very same things? And what Rahim Khan revealed to me changed things. Made me see how my entire life, long before the winter of 1975, dating back to when that singing Hazara woman was still nursing me, had been a cycle of lies betrayals and secrets. ? pg. 238 Amir admits that he cost Hassan a chance at a good life and that he had many opportunities to change the outcome of Hassans life. But at this moment he realized he could lose everything he has built in America, but for the first time in his life, Amir did not care about only himself, he came to terms with what he had done, and he was ready to redeem himself at any cost. Amir finally became the man who stood up for himself and his sins. Throughout his childhood, Amir looked for his fathers affection and he never could get it. His father had said Im telling you, Rahim, there is something missing in that boy. ? pg. 24 Amirs father would have been proud of him at this very moment because that was all he had wanted from him. The guilt that was built over the years was finally put to rest at the safety of Sohrab. In Afghanistan when Amir stood up for Sohrab and Assef aggressively beat him up, Amir had said My body was broken? just how badly I wouldnt find out until later? but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed. ? pg. 289 which showed Amir had come to terms with what he had done as a child and was finally felt relieved. Although he was getting beat up, it did not matter anymore, he just wished he had stood up to Assef years ago, and maybe he would have earned his redemption in that alley. | | Jennyflower81Threads: Posts: 884 Author: Jennifer Reeves 85 | Mar 11, 2012, 02:17pm #2| Such as guilt over sneaking out, not doing homework, or telling your parents a little white lie. Not a full sentence. You could start this sentence with: Guilt can stem from People find peace of mind when they redeem themselves, in other words, they do something that makes up for the cause of their guilt. Amir had a chance in the alley, to put Hassan first and change the path of both their lives, but he made the decision to turn around and run because it was what he thought was best for him: I would break up this sentence into 2 sentences, because it is a bit too long, it would be easier to read if it was in 2 shorter sentences. Amirs selfish ways resulted from the lack of his fathers affection in his life. At the time, Amir could not understand why his father adored his servants son more than his own son. As the tension increases between Amir and Hassan, Amir can no longer stand to see Hassan everyday because of what Amir had not stopped and he could not bare seeing his father showing Hassan love and not him. Right here, you begin writing in present tense, when the beginning of the essay is written in past tense, be sure to stay consistent with this, it makes your paper easier to read that way. | | zainboThreads: 1 Posts: 3 Author: Zain Mehdi | | Thank you, any more updates? | | Jennyflower81Threads: Posts: 884 Author: Jennifer Reeves 85 | Mar 11, 2012, 05:04pm #4| Amir did not just ruin Hassans life; he also ruined the lives of many people with his decisions after the incident in the alley Can you be more specific about how exactly did he ruin Hassans life? This is kinda vague. Another example of a life ruined is that of Soraya- you say: Soraya lost her right to the truth when Amir kept his past a secret even though she opened up to him about hers I dont know if this is her life being ruined, although she was wronged. How did this ruin her life? Clarify this. but it is a completely different problem when you destroy the lives of others. Although if it was not for Amirs actions as a child, Sohrab never would have needed to be saved in the first place but by saving Sohrab, the last piece of Hassans life, does make a difference. This sentence is long and confusing, I would make it into 2 shorter sentences. Amir admits that he cost Hassan the chance at a good life and that he had many opportunities to change the outcome of Hassans life. At this moment, he realizes he could lose everything he has built in America, but for the first time in his life, Amir did not only care about himself, he came to terms with what he had done, and he was ready to redeem himself at any cost. | | chalumeau | | ROAD TO AMIRS REDEMPTION? During their lifetime, most people face guilt: some appropriate some inappropriate. Redemption is a way that makes up for the cause of the guilt. In Khaled Hosseinis novel, The Kite Runner, the theme revolves around betrayal and redemption. I looked up the word redemption in The Kite Runner: p. 65, All I saw was the blue kite. All I smelled was victory. Salvation. Redemption. If Baba was wrong and there was a God like they said in school, then Hed let me win. I didnt know what the other guy was playing for, maybe just bragging rights. Important quote. p 231, And from this one last chance at redemption. What is going on here? My body was broken? just how badly I wouldnt find out until later? but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed. ? pg. 289 Good quote you found. Salvation is when God saves you. Redemption may be part of salvation, but redemption also has a place separate from the Divine. After doing a wrong, a person may be redeemed by performing some act, or saying something, or fighting for (or against) someone. You know how they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Redemption is in the eye of the wronged party. Its why you hear phrases such as, redeemed in her eyes. You cant be redeemed without permission. Hopefully, the wronged party accuses the right person, and the right person knows what wrong was committed. Otherwise, you have a very confusing situation for all parties. One that cannot be redeemed. Ever. Try writing your essay again with the theme of redemption as the main focus. Try to answer these questions: 1) What wrongs were committed? Pick the best 3 wrongs he committed. You partially explained these. 2) What does Amir think about redemption? Why does he seek it? Usually a person feels badly about something, or the other party is making his life miserable enough to cause him to cry, ___! 3) What action or words support him receiving redemption? 4) What action or words deny him redemption? 5) At the end is he redeemed? In the eyes of the wronged party? Did the wronged party (parties) know the truth that the reader knows? Does he feel redeemed? Did he know the same truth as everyone else? For the record, Ive never read The Kite Runner. I dont have a copy of the novel either. I wanted to try to help you focus and organize your essay. Ive written many A-essays over the years. | | zainboThreads: 1 Posts: 3 Author: Zain Mehdi | Mar 12, 2012, 08:37pm #6| thanks, ill try to work on it| | Essay Forum / Literature Review /| Unanswered [this forum] / Featured / Similar| Bottom of Form Similar discussions: * Michigan Supplement. Kite Runner * The Kite Runner: A Marxist Perspective * The Kite Runner Thesis Statement * HELP! Kite Runner Essay on Father/Son relationship * Persuasive essay on The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini + The Devil in the White City * The redemption of Sydney Carton in A Tale of Two Cities * Run after the kite common app essay * UC Essay I am a runner, track and cross-country * Developing Runners Mindset Common App Essay for Stanford * Morality and Responsibility essay (connection between Frankenstein and Blade runner) Random: MSW Essay on Parent Advocacy- Child Protective Services The discrimination theme in The Kite Runner helps explain? Discrimination The Kite Runner tackles the issue of ethnic discrimination in Afghanistan with an example of the relationship between Pashtuns and Hazaras. Babas father sets an example for him of being kind to Hazara people, even though they are historically demeaned and persecuted. He could have easily sent Ali to an orphanage after his parents death, but chose to raise him in his household. Baba does the same with Hassan, although this is complicated by the fact that Hassan is actually his son. Even in Babas house, the house of best intentions, the class barrier between the Pashtuns and Hazaras endures. Ali is as dear to Baba as a brother; he calls him family. But Ali still lives in a hut and sleeps on a mattress on the floor. He tends the garden, cooks, and cleans up after Baba, and raises Hassan to do the same. So strong is Hassans identity as a servant that even as an adult, when Baba is gone, he has no sense of entitlement. He insists on staying in the hut and doing housework. When Hassan dies defending Babas house, he does so not because he feels it belongs to him, but because he is being loyal to Baba and Amir. In Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, discrimination is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. On the one hand, the Taliban do not seem to care whom they are beating, torturing, or executing. Children like Sohrab and grandmothers like Sanaubar are all susceptible to the Talibans cruelty. In this way, the Talibs discriminate against everyone but themselves. As Amir notices, Assef forces Sohrab to dance to music for his enjoyment dancing and listening to music have long been banned. Amir thinks, I guessed music wasnt sinful as long as it played to Taliban ears. On another level, the Taliban discriminate specifically against the Hazara people. They massacre the Hazaras not only in Mazar-i-Sharif, but in the region of Hazarajat and nearly anywhere else they can find them. Assef and his fellows do not see the Hazaras lives as worthwhile; they barely see them as human. Assef tells Amir, Afghanistan is like a beautiful mansion littered with garbage, and someone has to take out the garbage. Like his idol, Hitler, he feels entitled to killing those he deems unworthy of living in his land. He even relishes the term ethnic cleansing because it goes so well with his garbage metaphor. Hosseini has mentioned in interviews that his focus on discrimination in The Kite Runner angers some Afghans, who feel it is inappropriate. Like Baba, many people do not mention the Hazaras history of persecution. Perhaps these people are so uncomfortable with this topic because by having Assef appear in pre-Taliban times and emerge as a leading Talib, Hosseini shows that the Talibans persecution of the Hazaras and other Shiites is not new, but a greatly intensified outgrowth of long-held discrimination. In The Kite Runner friendship is a recurring theme, particularly in terms of how friendship is experienced between different social classes and castes. This is explored in the relationships between Baba and Amir who are Pashtun and Ali and Hassan who are Hazara. A central issue in the novel is how friendship is experienced, understood and expressed between social unequals when they have been pushed together by circumstances (Baba’s father’s adoption of Ali meant he and Baba grew up from boyhood together, followed by Amir and Hassan sharing their entire childhoods in the same house, despite their very different status within the household. ) Amir constantly reflects on the question of friendship: ‘But in none of his stories did Baba ever refer to Ali as his friend. The curious thing was, I never thought of Hassan and me as friends either. Not in the usual sense anyhow†¦Because history isn’t easy to overcome. Neither is religion. In the end, I was a Pashtun and he was a Hazara, I was Sunni and he was Shi’a and nothing was ever going to change that. Nothing. ’ When questioned by Assef about his friendship with a Hazara Amir admits: â€Å"But he’s not my friend! † I almost blurted. â€Å"He’s my servant! † Had I really thought that? Of course I hadn’t. I hadn’t. I treated Hassan well, just like a friend, better even, more like a brother. ’ Hassan regards Amir as his friend and shows it by his unfailing loyalty which is indicative of his awareness of the unequal power in the relationship. Amir is bothered by Hassan’s unfailing loyalty and self

Monday, October 14, 2019

Human Resource Management in the Global Financial Crisis

Human Resource Management in the Global Financial Crisis What is Consumer Behavior? Consumer behavior is basic study of decision making process; when, where, what, how to buy and not to buy. It involves psychology, sociology and economics. It also duties individuals demographics and variable peoples wants. Consumer behavior is very much dependent on internal and external factors. Internal factors are self-needs and wants of individuals whereas external factors are financial resources and many others like psychological, demographic and social factors (Schiffman, 2009). Global Financial Crisis has changed consumer behavior. It was triggered by liquidity shortfall in banking system of United States of America due to overvaluation of assets in year 2007- to date. Global Financial Crisis has great impact on consumer behavior. The impact of Global Financial Crisis can be observed on the spending pattern of individual and as well as of a business. Global Financial Crisis is a major force that has impact on emotional and mental behavior of consumer. Businesses have identified and understand that how consumers testament react to difficult system conditions within different cultures and political economy. The current crisis is having severe impact on consumer behavior. In this juncture the user s fearfulness of the future strongly impacts their behavior and is hard to overcome (Perriman, 2009). Global Financial Crisis Impact on Human Resources Global Financial Crisis is a three words phrase. It has fictitious a salient profile throughout the existence s economies over a very shortstop period of time. For human Recourses fractionators and people managers, the global financial crisis had and impact in a number of areas as consumer spending decreased, and businesses began to look as way to cut costs in response to reduced income. Recruitment and Selection was in many ways an early causality, job advertisements shrunk across the board and remuneration, especially executive remuneration, was put under the microscope. Because everything in business affects everything else, each of these changes has repercussions for human resources departments, especially in continuing to attract and retain talented staff without which many enterprises lose their competitive advantage (Wilson, 2009). Global Financial Crisis has made organizations to respond to these human resources issues as matters of strategy, how to retain talented and key employees. Human Resources will need to maintain the balance of retaining key talent and reducing labor cost as well as managing the flow-on impacts on remuneration. Remuneration arrangements will be impacted for executives and through the negotiation of employment agreements. This will serve up to having need of human resources to take a more generally based role, harmonizing the money-making needs of the organization with the kind of traditions and people needed to make sure the sustainability and good corporate citizenship of the business. Human resources has not credit or sole rights on the principle of the business and the sort of traditions that are required within an organization, but it is an ideal opportunity for the human resources function to take a position on influencing a balance in what is right for all stakeholders to the org anization. Global Financial Crisis has made performance management focal point for the organization. Organizations are focusing on talent management in order to retain key employees. Such practices adopted by the organizations will improve the performance measurement and the performance review of all the individuals (Wilson, 2009). Human Resources Management Human Resources Management is considered to be the essence of every management function. Human resources management is a strategic and logical approach to the management of a system within an organization and that is the most valuable assets human resources. Human Resources Planning posits the right number of people at the right place and at the right time. A common knowledge of human resources is staffing which is the most critical function for the success of an organization. To proactively respond to the replacements of recent turnovers as well as upsizing the caliber of talent and therefore increasing the capability of the company by means of adding new competencies set, strategic recruitment and selection is the key (Nelson 1997). Implications in Term of Recruitment and Selection Recruitment and selection of employees is considered to be the most sensitive function of human resources management. Recruitment and selection are boundary less functions of the organizations. An effective recruitment process follows these steps; job definition, job specification, job description, designing recruitment and selection process. Selection is the other side of recruitment and selection process. Selection process answers a basic question that what is required by the job. It is the responsibility of the recruiter to take out the best. Recruitment and selection brings stability to an organization by attracting and hiring talented workers. Human Resources demonstrate the value-added nature of its role. HR professionals are finding way to maximize the value-added cost of recruitments and selection while at the same time minimizing overall expenditure. This change of view has led to greater awareness of the costs of inadequacies and errors, productivity losses, high turnover, worker errors and accidents, severed relationships with clients and suppliers, and lost business. Another trend that has a big impact on the recruitment and selection activity is the increasing competition for talented workers. During recruitment and selection, aiming at diversity must be considered because a diverse workforce serves as a resource rather than a threat. This is a capacity-building strategy evident in range of talents, experience and knowledge insight (Richardson, 2006). Role of Human Resources Management in Crisis Human resources management plays a vital and strategic role in the survival of an organization. In this time of global financial crisis, human resources management must not only innovate but must also act as change agents, strategists, mentors, counselors and motivators. Human Resources management must adopt a people-centered model of management instead of the go-get-them approach. The latter approach will not only push down the morale of your employees but it will also shove your talented workers from leaving your organization. Retaining Key Employees Retaining the right and key employees is a crucial challenge for any human resources manager. Employees are considered to be the most important asset within an organization. In troubled, economic condition, human resources managers must develop a strategy that will keep the most talented employees in your organization and at the same time, discouraged the not-so employees from hurting the companys operations. The global crisis is pushing companies to stretch their financial resources to buffer the effects of limited income as a result of the sharp decline in the demand of their products and services. Efficiency is the key to the survival of any company in this kind of economic condition. Running the company at the least possible cost should be the priority of management. In order to achieve that, companies must keep a pool of competent employees that will help the organization in pushing their sales, expanding their market, innovating new products and in keeping the operations efficient as possible. Employees that are causing too much wastage should be encouraged to be more productive and their financial contribution to the company must be at par with the salaries they are receiving. We are not saying that we should put a price tag on every employee, but we should also remember that business organizations are not synonymous to charitable institutions. Income is always their lifeblood, per iod. With this, HR managers should always find a way to motivate this type of employees, either through training or coaching, before making any drastic actions like transfers, demotions or terminations (Raman, 2006) Effective Employee Retention Strategies Sharp and smart managers for all time understand the significance of retaining the best employees on board. It is a fact that, retention of key employees is significant for the success of any organization in the long run. The basic reason behind retaining a key employee is the performance of those employees which is frequently has a great link with the quality work, customer satisfaction, and even to the image of a company. Finding a Cause Possibly, there are many causes which make an employee to leave the organization and global financial crisis could be the main reason. What can be done? It is impossible though, to scrap all the problems totally but there are certain way outs by which organizations can handle such situations. Human resources department can address such issues along with the help of top management to evolve strategies to retain key employees at all the level. At the time of Recruitment Select the right people through competency screening. Offer an attractive, competitive, benefits package. Make clear of performance enhanced incentives and other benefits. Keep these promises, later. At the Office Work of an employee must be communicated clearly for example job details, time limit, any change made to these let the employees know about it as soon as possible. Employees must be provided necessary tools and equipment to complete a task. Training must be provided. Training and development of employees at work place is essential. Provide the employees a stress free work environment. People want to enjoy their work. Make work and work place cheerful and pleasant as possible. Make sure that employees know that their work is important for the organization. Feeling valued by their employer is the key to high employee motivation and morale. Recognize their strengths and help them to improve those they lack. Offer excellent career growth prospects. Encourage groom employees to take up higher positions/openings. If they dont get opportunity for growth within the organization, they will look elsewhere for it. Implement competency models, which are well integrated, with HR processes like selection recruitments, training, performance appraisal and potential appraisal (Raman, 2006). Training and Development and Career Planning It has become turmoil and uncertain during the recent global financial crisis that human resources managers think in many ways before investing in workplace, training and development of the employees, soft skills programs. The prospect of investing in a workforce and which has the potential to drop off or even decreased their purchasing choices in terms of training and development. The fact of the matter is that this Global Problem calls for even stronger measures to be put into place to ensure that Workplaces all over the world, can withstand these tough times. It is exactly this sort of climate which will determine what businesses will prosper and even flourish due to past and ongoing investment in the Training and Development of staff as well as the all important Risk Management measures that have been out into place. The investment in Human Capital and Comprehensive Retention Career Planning and Risk Management Strategies will determine which businesses are more vulnerable to market economic volatility (James L., and Debra J. Mesch 1995). Strategic Human Resources Management Global Financial Crisis has made organizations to think strategically. Strategic management of organizations (SHRM) has greater concentration on various functions of human resources management. Strategic management is an art of formulation and implementation of various functions in order to achieve its goals and objective. Strategic human resources management is the prototype of planned human resources deployment and activities intends to enable an organization to achieve its goals and objective. Especially when it comes to bad financial position strategic management process is in practice whenever there is financial crisis and or bad economic situation through out the business world. Strategic human resources management will need to show that careful planning of the people issues will make it substantially easier for the organization to achieve its wider strategic and operational goals during the global financial crisis (Asyali, 2007) Conclusion As they say, happiness can be contagious. So make sure the work place is a happy one, which every employee would love to spend time. Human resources department along with senior management must take steps to make sure of this. Effective human resource management must be practiced at both strategic and day-to-day levels. HR management practices must reflect company policy as to how it will manage and relate to its employees. The HR strategy should evolve from a transactional support role to partnering in the organizations business strategy. HR must take steps to be aware of employee problems and try to solve them, creatively. According to the recent studies, organizations are responding to the global financial crisis according to the changes in economic environment which are directly and indirectly effecting their operations and organizations are aligning their HR strategies to their business strategies. The downturn has increased peoples desire for simplicity and has forced consumers to question their beliefs and attitudes as well.