Monday, November 18, 2019

Training and development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Training and development - Assignment Example Training and development are crucial to the business because it equips the employees with the relevant knowledge and skills for realizing the business objectives through a well laid down strategies (Werner, Jon and Randy, 15). With the increasing level of competition, the most organization embraces the fact that there exist the link between policy and training and organizational development. Therefore, human resource is regarded as equally important as any other resource in an organization, in that respect, the team must spend so well in their training. In the training process, the employees go through professional certification. Professional certification is important to both the organization and the individual. It is important to the organization in that the operator will execute his or her duties with due competence. Furthermore, it is also important during the execution of strategy. On the other hand, the employee who has undergone professional certification will have courage in the performance of his duties and policy implementation. Training and development is one crucial and important thing in many organizational setting. Training and development usually lead to improved performance of groups and i ndividuals in any organization. In most cases, professional certification is financed by the business organization (Werner, Jon and Randy, 43). On the part of the organizational development (OD), it is imperative especially for the effectiveness and widening of productivity in the organization. Furthermore, OD acts as a way of solving the problems that involve the execution of strategy. However, the process of executing organizational development requires an investment of both time and finance. It is prudent that the company invests on the human resource through training. Human resource management is always the department charged with the duty of training and development (Wilson, 65). Training

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